In the drop-down, click “Settings & Privacy”
Then click “Get a copy of your data” on the right side.
Then Request the Archive. LinkedIn will send it via email within 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: LinkedIn will send you two emails. Ignore the first (after about an hour). Download the second (24 hours later).Email subject: “Your full LinkedIn data archive is ready!”
Download the file from LinkedIn. It will be in .zip format.Upload it directly to FasterLeads (you do NOT need to unzip).
I was blown away by the amount of information it provides.
It’s incredibly helpful – anybody that uses this tool will be better.
Unlike most analytics tools, it tells you exactly where to find your best leads.
It’s a must-have for service providers who want to stop wasting time on unqualified leads.
If you’re serious about growing on LinkedIn, you have to invest in FasterLeads.
I’m so happy I decided to do it.
That export is total trash – LinkedIn needs to do better when it comes to analytics.
This dashboard is a brilliant solution.